The Islamization of Coptic Theology towards women in Egypt
Examines the impact of Islamization on the contemporary Coptic Church, particularly on women, exploring the church’s discourse and practices and considering their social, cultural, and political implications. Sara Allam Shaltout.
The Emergence of New Protestant Churches in Türkiye
Preservation of documents related to the emergence of new Protestant churches in Turkey.
The Latin Catholic Church at risk: the appropriation and conversion of ecclesiastical properties during the post-Tanẓimāt and Republican eras
Examines the legal status of the Latin Catholic Church in Turkey and explores Church–state relations from the post-Tanẓimāt period (post-1876) into the Turkish Republican era. Vanessa R. de Obaldía.
National Pasts and Religious Futures: Turkish Protestants and the Negotiation of Christianity in Uncertain Times
Considers how varied and changing understandings of time
– as a religious, historic, and political category – shape how Turkish
Protestants practice their faith, understand who they are, and imagine
who they will be as Turkish citizens and as Christians during a period
of change and uncertainty. Eileen Sleesman Calderon.
Changing Religious Landscape: Jordan 2018
Looking closely at the Christian communities this project asks how Jordan’s religious landscape is changing and what are the implication of these changes for Middle Eastern Christian communities. Merav Mack.
Christian Formation and Modes of Belonging among Turkish Protestants
Explores cultural formation, with special reference to modes of belonging, for three Turkish Protestant congregations in Istanbul. Charles Faroe.