Changing Religious Landscape: Jordan 2018

One of the most remarkable hubs of contemporary religious communities in the Middle East, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is currently home to over one and a half million refugees and economic migrants from all over the Middle East. While migrants are a force of change that impacts economy and infrastructure they are also affecting Jordan’s religious and cultural landscapes. Looking closely at the Christian communities this project asks how Jordan’s religious landscape is changing and what are the implication of these changes for Middle Eastern Christian communities?

Merav Mack received her PhD in Medieval History from the University of Cambridge. She is a Research Fellow at the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman studying the contemporary Christian communities in Jordan. She is also teaching in the department of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Her book Jerusalem: City of the Book together with Benjamin Balint and the photographer Frederic Brenner is forthcoming by Yale University Press in 2019.