Table of ContentsToward a Muslim Marketplace of Ideas by Jennifer Bryson
Preserving the Freedom for Faith: Re-evaluating the Politics of Compulsion by Abdullah bin Hamid Ali
Religious Freedom and Interreligious Relations in Islam: Reflections on Da’wah by Louay Safi
American Muslims: A (New) Islamic Discourse on Religious Freedom by John Musselman
The Politics of Religious Minorities in Muslim-Majority States: Old Challenges and New Trends by Ziya Meral
Ambiguities of Apostasy and the Repression of Muslim Dissent by Abdullah Saeed
Religious Freedom and the Rule of the Clan in Muslim Societies by Mark Weiner
Blasphemy Laws in Muslim-majority Countries by Asma Uddin
Exporting Blasphemy Restrictions: The Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations by Paul Marshall
The Trouble with American Foreign Policy and Islam by Thomas Farr
At the Intersection of Islam and Human Rights: Gender, Identity, and Religious Freedom by Kristen Lundquist
Islam and American Exceptionalism by John Musselman
What God Hath Put Asunder by Judd Birdsall
Gracious Engagement: Interfaith Dialogue and the “Other” by Laura Merziq Fabrycky |