This course is currently in session and closed to new registrations.
This course explores the pivotal role of prophets and prophecy in the Bible and the Qur’an, together with Christian and Muslim understanding of these concepts. The course examines the Bible’s prophetic narrative and writings in relation to Jesus the Messiah as the “fulfillment” of prophecy and compares these narratives theologically with the Qur’an’s “prophet story” pattern in relation to Muhammad as their “epitome.” Biblical characters such as Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist and Jesus are compared theologically with their qur’anic counterparts to illuminate the place of prophecy in the two worldviews. George Bristow. 10 weeks beginning October 3, 2022.
We offer three levels of participation: (1) Non-credit ($300). Non-credit students (auditors) are given access to course materials, including lectures, but are not expected to submit written assignments and will receive no credit; (2) Certificate ($450). Students at this level who successfully fulfill all class requirements will receive credit towards an ISRME certificate; (3) Graduate Credit ($900). We offer Master’s level credit through Trinity International University.
Times and days of zoom class sessions will be determined by the instructor in consultation with registered students. For further details consult our Academic Program Guide.