Mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
This program offers a brief introduction to both the concept of mysticism as well as examples of key mystical writings from the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Participants will gain exposure to primary texts of mysticism, background and analysis of these texts from secondary sources, and theories related to the study of mysticism.
- Zoom orientation meeting: Wednesday, February 19 at 5pm Istanbul time.
- Program sessions: Wednesdays, February 26, March 5, March 12, and March 19 at 5pm Istanbul time.
Sessions will last 2 hours, and we will end promptly at 7pm Istanbul time. Session recordings will be available to participants following our sessions, but your participation in live Zoom sessions is essential to the success of the program.
<# if ( data.length > 0 ) { #> <# _.each( data, function( user, key, list ) { #>
<# } #>
<# if ( typeof user['academic_profile'] !== 'undefined' ) { #>
<# } #>
<# if ( Object.keys( user.dropdown_actions ).length > 0 ) { #>
<# _.each( user.dropdown_actions, function( action, key, list ) { #>
- {{{action.title}}}
<# }); #>
<# } #>
<# }); #> <# } else { #>
no information found
<# } #>