This course aims to introduce a Muslim understanding of the identity and role of Jesus. Students will gain a familiarity with how foundational documents identify Jesus, what role he plays in various forms of religious outlook and experience, how Muslims view the Biblical accounts of his life and finally, what role this figure plays in Muslim-Christian relations. We will primarily follow Images of Jesus Christ in Islam, 2nd edition, a text by Oddborn Leirvik of the University of Oslo, along with supplemental primary and secondary sources.
Guest lecturers will include Seemi Ghazi of the University of British Columbia, Dr. Elif Tokay of Istanbul University, and Dr. Mona Siddiqui of the University of Edinburgh.
4 weeks. May 9 to June 3. Zoom sessions will be on Thursdays, May 16, May 23, and May 30, and Monday, June 3. All sessions will begin at 5pm Istanbul time / 9am Central US / 10am Eastern US / 3pm UK. Sessions will last two hours.
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