Donations to the ISRME

The ISRME is a U.S. 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization.  Donations to the Institute are tax deductible in the United States. Donors from Canada should call or email for charitable giving options.

Support Tuition-free Study Programs

Because of the generous support of donors like you, we have been able to offer all of our programs free of charge for the last two years. This has allowed more than 600 participants to join our programs from more than 35 countries. Please help us to continue our free programming in 2025 and 2026! If you think it is valuable for Muslims and Christians to study together in high quality programs taught by world-class scholars, please consider making a contribution.

Donate online

To setup a recurring monthly donation, select an amount

Mail a check

Please mail your check to:   ISRME, 1 Jewett Lane, South Hadley, MA 01075.  If you wish to send regular monthly donations by check, many banks will allow you to arrange for checks to be issued and mailed automatically through online banking.