The Qur’an and the Bible share numerous overlapping themes, stories and characters. But the Qur’an also has a complex and sometimes confusing relationship to biblical traditions and texts. How do we make sense of the striking similarities and the confusing differences between the two scriptures? In this free, 4-week course we will hear from different scholars of the Qur’an about various options for thinking about the puzzling relationship of the Qur’an and the Bible.
Topics include:
- Approaches to Biblical and Qur’anic interpretation
- Prophet narratives in the Bible and the Qur’an
- Modernist and liberal approaches to the Qur’an
- Qur’anic and Biblical Worldviews
- What did the original audience of the Qur’an know about the Bible?
- Implications for Muslims
- Implications for Christian-Muslim interaction
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This course was offered in April 2023. Are you interested in taking it in the future? Let us know your scheduling preferences.